Monday, November 5, 2007

That's our baby...

Friday morning Kyle and I went to our 13week check-up, my doctor said that everything looks great. We were so excited just to be there together, then...she put a little jelly on my belly and we got to hear the heartbeat. This was by far the most amazing sound I have ever heard, it's so surreal. Me, being my mothers child shed a few good tears and I can't even explain the light Kyle got in his eyes. Now, as if that wasn't cool enough, we also had an apointment for our first ultrasound. Thank God the nurse had me pee one more time before she went ahead and did the ultrasound cause I swear that women had a kung fu grip and a 20 pound hand, but in all fairness she did a great job getting our little alien baby to pose for pictures. Anyways, we finally got to see our baby and it was again one of my favorite moments in all of my 24 years. It was perfect, with perfect fingers and perfect toes.

Here's the baby's profile. You can see the little nose and toes, when you're looking at it right.

Ok, now I hate to admit it but this one is a little creepy! The baby is looking right at you and reminds me of a creepy monkey skeleton, but still...I LOVE IT!
And, here is the baby waving . You should see all five fingers.
Best Day yet, THE END!