Monday, April 20, 2009

A Day on the Water

Once again, Daddy went to work in AZ for a couple weeks so we went to Nana and Grandpa’s house at the river. We ran into some friends and they invited us on their boat Saturday afternoon. It was the perfect day to be out with Kaelen! Mike and Jen made sure to bring the bimini so we had some shade on the boat, the temp wasn’t too hot and we doused Patri in 50 proof sunscreen…just to be safe. Kaelen did great, bouncing on Daddy’s lap, getting around the boat on her own, taking in everything around her…of course with so many new things and so much to see it left her with no nap and a little cranky when we got home but it was well worth it. She got to play in the water and touch sand for the first time, of course it went in her mouth as does everything else, I don’t think she’s much of a fan though. The water was still a little to cold to let her get to into it but I think that we’ve got ourselves a water baby after all!

Kaelen's 1st Easter

We had such an awesome 1st Easter with our baby! The whole fam gathered at Granma & Poppa’s house for brunch, mimosas, and Easter baskets! Though Kaelen did not completely understand the whole opening of the plastic eggs for the stuff inside She enjoyed it. Kyle is totally looking forward to hiding eggs for her in the coming years; my poor daughter is going to be searching for days! She was completely spoiled…of course, getting stuffed animals galore, socks, snacks, toys, balls, a dress and a super cute spring outfit! Thanks to Auntie Holly, Fabby, and the grandmas for the super soft presents! Meg and Matty, as always, we love seeing you guys! I love even more that Kaelen no longer screams at the Fro! Can’t wait for next year! Love yous!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

5 Long Days

As most of you know, Kyle has been putting in some hours in Arizona that past couple of months. Sure it's been hard on us without him home but I do enjoy being alone from time to time. Tuns out Kyle was not so much a fan of being away from us but mostly not so much a fan of being away from Kaelen. So he asked if I would mind leaving her out in Arizona for the week so he could get some quality Daddy Time in. Much to my dismay I agreed, after all it's not so much fair that I get to keep are all to myself all the time, but dammit since when did I care about being fair?! So I agreed, I would go a whole 5 nights without her and be all alone in my house...thank the baby Jesus I was busy planning weddings and starting health insurance policies last week. Of course I had my moments but all in all I did very good! Daddy on the otherhand, well I'll just let the pictures explain it all... Ok, so he did great. Even if my daughter spent the majority of her time trying to drink booze and chew on rocks, she did it with her Daddy! They had a great week together. Kaelen is picking up the word Nanna, much easier then grandma you know! She just adores her Grandpa and climbing all over him on the couch. She got some quality girl time with her cousin Chy and most importantly she still knew who I was when I woke her up on Saturday morning!
In other exciting news, Kaelen got a big girl car seat! She's barely 20 pounds when she's full but Mommy was eager and had nothing to do while at home all alone for a week, so an hour and half in Babies R Us and a 20 minute conversation with Daddy later and Kaelen had a new carseat. She love it, too! This last trip home was her very first where she was awake the entire time. She looked at everything, talked a heap, hated the sun in her eyes, and totally loved playing with her hup holder. Forward facing carseat = huge hitP to the S
Holy Crap! She's almost a year old already!!!!

If you've got a few mintues, check out this video...I promise I didn't teach her this :)