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So most of you know now that we’re having a little girl! We are so excited. Kyle seems to think that she will be a Daddy’s girl but we’ll just have to see about that. She can be Daddy’s girl when she is at that fun age of 13 or 16 or any other year where she will drive me crazy. But until then I am bank’n on Mommy’s little princess. As of right now we have decided that her name is going to be Kaelen, unless something else comes along that I absolutely love of course. I am almost 21 weeks and I can’t wait for the next couple months to go by. 
I was thinking that she might be a gymnast with all the cartwheels she’s been doing in my tummy…but just recently she’s taken up soccer. Though Kyle doesn’t get to feel it just yet he gets to hear about it, EVERYTIME she gets rowdy in there I make sure everyone around me knows. Sympathy dammit, ok… so it’s not so bad! It’s pretty much one of the coolest feelings when she kicks, for now anyways, I am sure I will be singing a different tune in a few months.
Now for the other good news… 
Kyle decided to make an honest women of me, tough job huh. On the 15th with [almost] all of my immediate family present, Kyle got down on one knee and popped the question. Of course I said yes, what else could I say really. Just kidding. So we are thinking that we will plan the wedding for June of 2009…I know that means that we will have a bastard child but only for a little minute. She’ll never even realize it really, and this way she can be a part of our big day.
Baby showers, a baby, I’ll be a quarter century, wedding plans, what a busy new year we’re going to have! Can’t wait!
As of Friday I am 18 weeks and finally, almost, half way there. My jeans don't button, my bra barely fits and I have the blatter of an ant. I suppose it's a small price to pay...
Kyle is finally here! He started work on Monday and so far he is enjoying it. My closet smells like grease now which I totally do not enjoy but give me a few weeks and I'll have everything he owns smelling like the purple downey fabric softner!We went to my Christmas party last night which was a blast. I think it was the first time I felt really pretty, belly and all. Now for the big news...We find out this friday what kind of baby we're having. Will Kyle need to buy a pink 50 or a blue one. Here's the tricky part, we have to keep it a secret from the Grandparents till Christmas, so for those of you who find out before them keep it to yourself, no matter how much they offer! I'll post again soon, I know how much you all must love reading about me...