Our baby girl is already 5 months old. We went this morning for her well baby check-up. She has not been to the doctors for any of her shots since birth so this was a big day for us. Kaelen got three shots...and felt every one! I cried too.The doctor says that she is in the 90th percent for height, 25th percent for weight (shocking cause she eats a ton) and her head is just where is needs to be...so to my fam that says she has a big dome HAH! Oh, and we got drops prescribed for that eye that's been giving our baby girl such problems! Her stats are 26 inches long, 13.5 pounds and her big ol brain measures in at 41 cm.
This weekend was another girls weekend, Aunt Holly, Tia Misa and Da Momma had tons of fun taking precious pictures of our girl! There's a ton and I can't think of witty captions for all of them so here they are:

Naked wathing football

Listen to that Giggle!
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