Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers Day '09

Fathers Day was awesome!! Our immediate and add-on family all got together at my parents house for brunch and mimosas. Mom made the yummiest breakfast yet and Poppa's bacon is always gone too fast! After the Daddy's opened their cards and gifts we all decided to get some sun by the pool!

This was Kaelen's first time in the pool so it was a little tricky. She had to get used to the water and her floaty car for quite a while before she actually liked it. Once she was comfy, she absolutly loved it!

Grandma and I were even able to get her to play a little without the car.
Can you see? I am not holding her at all, she was holding on for dear life...

Thank you Auntie M for taking these awesome pictures! We love you and we're thrilled we got to spend fathers day with you and Matty!
It turned out to be a very draining afternoon but loads of fun!

Happy Father's Day Hubby! You're an amazing Daddy! Our daughter adores you and we couldn't ask for anyone better!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Kaelen's New Friend

Yesterday, while waiting for our new friend, Kyle and I spent some time at a neighborhood park with our most favorite girl! Just thought we’d share the cuteness!

Meet Bentley! Bentley is a 4 ½ month old Sorkie and the newest edition to the Jones family.

Bentley, formerly known as Rex, was given to us by my boss and his family. Not because they didn’t love him…well maybe Michael didn’t, but because he needs a home where he’ll get loads of attention and training. We are so happy Mike & Chris were ok with him coming home with us and super excited for Kaelen to have her very own puppy!

Kaelen, on the other hand, is still trying to figure Bentley out! She’s not so much a fan of him sitting on Mommy’s lap and is quick to remind him that she is Momma’s baby, but on the other hand, she can’t get enough of him. She points and says puppy and wants to see him…but on her terms. There will most definitely be some adjusting all the way around and once Bentley realizes that Kaelen is his boss and will more then likely be his bestest friend things will be perfect!

Our first night with the puppy went without a hitch! No accidents in the house, no whining, nothing destroyed and a good nights sleep in his crate!

We’re sure that this is the beginning of a long road but we couldn’t be more happy with our little man!


Don’t make fun of the cone!!! Poor thing just had his nuts taken away. So much for Kyle getting a male ally in his house full of women!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Talk, Talk, Talk

Kaelen is officially over a year old, which by most opinions makes her a toddler. (HOLY CRAP)

Daddy took her for her 1 Year shots and check up without Mommy. This was the first, and hopefully last, appointment I have missed. I guess it’s a good thing that Daddy gets to do a few things on his own with his daughter but I am not so much a fan of not being there. I think I called him 3 times during her less then 20 minute appointment.

At 13 months my Doodle Bug is weighing in at 17 lbs 6oz and is 28 ½ inches tall. According to the Doc she is average but petite and she had some advice to help us out with that…GET RID OF THE BOTTLE! I wanted to tell her to take a look at Kaelen’s parents…both Kyle and I were scrawny little things with Chicken legs and knobby knees. And P.s. I’m short!!!

Of course it was in my plans to have Kaelen off of the bottle at 12 months but May was too crazy to take that from her too. So, today we started, well I hope Daddy started. No more bottles during the day, not even for naps, one for bed at that’s it, and a month from now, none at all.

Have I mentioned that our daughter is incredibly smart??? And this must come as no surprise, given her who her momma is, a talker. She picks everything up so dang fast. She knows where her nose is and her belly and the eyes and her favorite…lips. She says tree when we’re outside and cat when she’s squishing the poor thing. So tries to say puppy, has purple to a T, is still working on yellow but knows and can tell you that all the colors are pretty. She can ask you what’s that (at least I know it’s what she’s saying) and then tell you it’s a ball…it’s always a ball. Of course she’s got Daddy and Momma, Nanna and Bahbah and she’s trying to say cup…just before throwing it across the room :)

I think it’s time to start reading to her at night, I have been waiting for this for months! She’s becoming a little person, a little cuddly, want to sit on your lap and hold your face, person. I am in love with this phase and am sooooo excited to teach her everything I can!

Monday, June 1, 2009

She's walking, She's walking!!!

So this weekend proved to be very eventful!

Kyle, myself and Marisa have been practicing the whole walking thing with Kaelen for the past 4-5 days! She’d totally been into it with us so it made the whole first steps thing all the more fun! We’d clap, she’d clap, she’d fall, we’d all laugh and she’d get up and try it again.
Saturday turned out to be pretty busy for us. We were celebrating the bestests (Auntie Patri) birthday, Kyle helped move my Dad, we had errands to run and somewhere in the midst of it all Kaelen starting walking. We had practiced Friday night and again Saturday morning and from there she was on her own. I was getting ready and out of the corner of my eye this little person was walking by. Of course she’s no pro and there are bound to be some bumps and bruises along the way but for all intents and purposes she’s walking and she’s very happy about it.

I must say that Kyle and I are shocked at how well and how fast she’s picked it all up. I am sure that every parent thinks that their baby is the smartest in the whole wide world and I’m sure that you’d all consider us the same….If it weren’t true :)
In other fun events this weekend, the entire Patton family was reunited, for lack of a better word, with family we haven’t seen in easily 13 years. We Patton girls grew up with our cousins Jodi and Bobby in almost every family photo and at every event in our younger years. Though blood is not what makes us family these two, along with their parents, were staples in our lives. My aunt Mona and my uncle Kenny were some of my parents’ best friends. They partied, they worked and they grew their families together! Seeing them made all of this seem a world away, yet it also made it seem like just yesterday! The fact that we’re all adults and most of us parents is beyond me. Getting together and reminiscing was awesome! Jamie and Allie might not remember it all the same as Tiffany, Jodi, Bobby and I but none the less it was great! Kaelen and Jodi’s youngest, Delaney, are only a few months apart and Even, Jodi’s oldest, is just a year older then Murdoch…needless to say having all of our children together was fun and tiring!

Another busy, family filled, weekend! Awesome!