So this weekend proved to be very eventful!
Kyle, myself and Marisa have been practicing the whole walking thing with Kaelen for the past 4-5 days! She’d totally been into it with us so it made the whole first steps thing all the more fun! We’d clap, she’d clap, she’d fall, we’d all laugh and she’d get up and try it again.
Saturday turned out to be pretty busy for us. We were celebrating the bestests (Auntie Patri) birthday, Kyle helped move my Dad, we had errands to run and somewhere in the midst of it all Kaelen starting walking. We had practiced Friday night and again Saturday morning and from there she was on her own. I was getting ready and out of the corner of my eye this little person was walking by. Of course she’s no pro and there are bound to be some bumps and bruises along the way but for all intents and purposes she’s walking and she’s very happy about it.
I must say that Kyle and I are shocked at how well and how fast she’s picked it all up. I am sure that every parent thinks that their baby is the smartest in the whole wide world and I’m sure that you’d all consider us the same….If it weren’t true :)
In other fun events this weekend, the entire Patton family was reunited, for lack of a better word, with family we haven’t seen in easily 13 years. We Patton girls grew up with our cousins Jodi and Bobby in almost every family photo and at every event in our younger years. Though blood is not what makes us family these two, along with their parents, were staples in our lives. My aunt Mona and my uncle Kenny were some of my parents’ best friends. They partied, they worked and they grew their families together! Seeing them made all of this seem a world away, yet it also made it seem like just yesterday! The fact that we’re all adults and most of us parents is beyond me. Getting together and reminiscing was awesome! Jamie and Allie might not remember it all the same as Tiffany, Jodi, Bobby and I but none the less it was great! Kaelen and Jodi’s youngest, Delaney, are only a few months apart and Even, Jodi’s oldest, is just a year older then Murdoch…needless to say having all of our children together was fun and tiring!

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