Saturday was an absolutely gorgeous day in the desert. I know that summer time is meant to be dry and warm but the occasional monsoon is awesome! The desert smells pretty, the heat dies down just a bit and being outside is a blast. So we opened all the windows and doors at Nana’s got the girls down to their diapers and let them play in the rain.

Daddy, of course, saw the perfect opportunity to take his baby girl for her first 50 ride. I can’t say that I wasn’t a little nervous of Kyle biff’n it and Kaelen rolling across the pavement…but I trust Kyle (for the most part) and I know that he would never put her in a situation to be seriously hurt. Plus, Kaelen is a trooper and God knows she’d cry for a minute and then want to do it again. She had a blast with her Daddy!!! She was totally content riding with her feet up, leaning on his chest, wind in the hair, rain on the face, playing with the big kids.

Well the monsoon weather didn’t last long…by noon it had just about past and by 1 we were on the boat. It was exceptionally nice this time because it was all family. My brother and sister in law came out with their kiddos. Mom and Pop’s came out with some family friends and we even got some wakeboarding in.
Saturday night, Nana was oh so nice to keep on eye and an ear out for a sleep’n beauty so Kyle and I could go out and be twenty-something and have a little fun. After way too many drinks and not enough sleep we woke up and did it all again. Boarding first thing with the Thurman’s, nap, lunch and back to CA where we can be just us again.

As much as I hated not being with my family last week I know that Kaelen and Kyle really enjoy being at Nana’s. Kaelen gets to play with her cousins and Daddy everyday, all day, it was perfect. She’s growing so fast and learning so much. She says cheese and please and has a molar and a personality that won’t quit. She even throws stomp her feet, roll on the floor, cry out loud, throw herself back, tantrums. Of course, it doesn’t get her anywhere and Mommy and Daddy are doing our best to get her little attitude in check but I can’t help but fear the terrible 2’s that are just around the corner.

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